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What Is NAPFA (National Association of Personal Financial Advisors)? by Liz Smith
What Is NAPFA (National Association of Personal Financial Advisors)? by Liz Smith Wed, Jan 16, 2019 ....the point of being a NAPFA- registered financial advisor is to guarantee holistic services on a fee-only basis.  This eliminates the incentive to sell products for high commissions, ensuring unbiased advice. Read More

10 Smart Steps to Minimize Taxes and Penalties on Your RMDs by By Kimberly Lankford, Contributing Editor at Kiplinger
10 Smart Steps to Minimize Taxes and Penalties on Your RMDs by By Kimberly Lankford, Contributing Editor at Kiplinger Sat, Dec 29, 2018 After you turn age 70½, you need to start taking required minimum distributions from your IRAs and 401(k)s every year.  But the calculations and rules can be complicated, and you'll be hit with a penalty if you make a mistake. Read More

Your Complete Guide to the 2018 Tax Changes as seen in the Motley Fool
Your Complete Guide to the 2018 Tax Changes as seen in the Motley Fool Sat, Dec 15, 2018 President Trump recently signed the tax reform bill into law, and it makes major revisions to the U.S. tax code for both individuals and corporations. In fact, the bill represents the most significant tax changes in the United States in more than 30... Read More

Choosing a financial adviser: How you pay is critical as seen in NewsDay
Choosing a financial adviser: How you pay is critical as seen in NewsDay Wed, Nov 21, 2018 It's no small matter entrusting someone to manage your investments.  Scrutinize the person almost as much as someone you marry.  There are several considerations, but how you pay the adviser is critical.    Read More

Following Your Financial Playbook To Victory as seen in Forbes
Following Your Financial Playbook To Victory as seen in Forbes Wed, Nov 07, 2018 What would a football game look like if there were no playbook? A pickup game in the park with friends.  In other words, it would be made up on the fly.  While that might make it on the playground, it won't cut it in organized sports or with your fin... Read More

Four Of The Most Important Questions To Ask Before Choosing A Financial Advisor
Four Of The Most Important Questions To Ask Before Choosing A Financial Advisor Wed, Sep 26, 2018 It is critical for any investor to fully understand the difference between a broker and an investment advisor: investors need to understand whether the advice is objective or, perhaps, driven by financial incentives. Read More

How Should YOU Measure Your Investment Performance? as seen in Kiplinger Sat, Aug 25, 2018 Investors shouldn't be obsessed with their portfolio's performance, but an annual evaluation is key to keeping you on track.   Read More

Who Can Be a Financial Advisor? by Suzannah Snider in US News and World Report Fri, Aug 17, 2018 When you visit a pediatrician, you know she graduated from medical school and completed additional specialized training.  When you do business with a lawyer, you know he has a law degree.  When you send your child to school, you are certain the teach... Read More

FirsTrust - Fee Only Wealth Management Tue, Aug 14, 2018 Relying on one "financial planner" to be an expert in everything is unrealistic. That's why FirsTRust offers our consulting clients access to a team experienced specialists from the firm's 4 specialized division. Investment Management, Financial Pl... Read More

What should you be doing to prepare for retirement? Top tips and tactics from financial advisors as seen in the News Journal Sat, Jul 28, 2018 You’re 10 years or less away from retirement. You can clearly see the next phase of your life down the road and it’s coming up fast. Are you ready for it? Do you have a comprehensive plan in place so you don’t outlive your savings? Read More

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