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Here’s the question you really want to ask your financial advisor by Lorie Konish Thu, Jul 19, 2018 .......if you haven't asked your financial advisor how they are being compensated, now is the time to ask...... Read More

5 ways to boost your financial confidence by calvin geotz Thu, Jul 12, 2018 To feel more confident in these, and other, financial choices, it's often recommended that you seek the advice of a financial advisor.  A recent study by Fidelity Investments discovered that working with a financial advisor can add up to 4% higher in... Read More

FirsTrust's CIO weighs in on Chairman Ben Bernanke's Economy Prediction for 2020.
FirsTrust's CIO weighs in on Chairman Ben Bernanke's Economy Prediction for 2020. Wed, Jun 13, 2018 Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan recently said he sees asset bubbles everywhere in financial markets globally.  And now, former Chairman Ben Bernanke sees policy errors making the next inevitable recession more problematic. Read More

Five Ways To Avoid Financial Adviser Fraud by John Wasik Wed, May 30, 2018 ........."Investors must insist their advisors put in writing they will do certain things that the be3st advisoer today already do," said Knut Rostad, executive director of the Institute.  "The Investor Bill of Rights will help them." Read More

How dealing with a fee-only advisor is good for the client (as seen in ecnomics times) Wed, May 30, 2018 Remember that a person selling a product can never be a true advisor, as their interest lies in selling their product and meeting their targets.  So, who should someone seeking advice turn to? The best bet for the investor would be a fee-only advisor... Read More

4 financial gifts for graduates by Brittany Jones-Cooper Fri, May 25, 2018 ...Money is a popular graduation gift - and with good reason.  College grads in particular will likely be leaving school with overwhelming amounts of student debt and not much knowledge of how to pay it off.  Sure, you can simply hand them a wad of c... Read More

How to pick a fee-only financial planner when family's finances suddenly increase? by Liz Weston Wed, May 23, 2018 ".... A true fee-only financial planner accespts compensation only from clients.  You'll want one who has an appropriate credential such as certified financial planner (CFP).  The planner should be willing to be a fiduciary and put that in writing. "... Read More

Yikes! Clients still don’t trust their advisors, CFA Institute finds (as seen in
Yikes! Clients still don’t trust their advisors, CFA Institute finds (as seen in Tue, Apr 10, 2018 ....In an industry where members often talk of acting as fiduciary in the best interest of their clients, most investors still believe that their advisors fail to fully disclose conflict of interest and the fees they charge a new survey by the CFA In... Read More

Why 60/40 Portfolios Are Downright Dangerous Today (as seen in Financial Advisor Magazine)
Why 60/40 Portfolios Are Downright Dangerous Today (as seen in Financial Advisor Magazine) Sat, Mar 24, 2018 During the short nine days of trading from late January to February 8, the S&P 500 fell like a skydiver leaping out of a plane: fast and down. In a classic flight-to-quality response, investors pulled their parachutes, socking billions into the large... Read More

RMD Strategies for Your Retirement Accounts by Bob Carlson in Forbes
RMD Strategies for Your Retirement Accounts by Bob Carlson in Forbes Mon, Mar 19, 2018 .....It's almost April 1.  That means it's required minimum distribution (RMD) time for senior Americans.  Those who turned 70 1/2 last year face the deadline for taking RMDs from their qualified retirement plans.  Their older cohorts should be consi... Read More

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